21 June 2024: Update Your Contact Information With Us

Moving institutions soon? Changed email addresses recently? Make sure to send us your new email, institution, title, etc. by clicking on the following links. 

Newsletter subscribers:

If you enjoy receiving our e-newsletters directly to your email inbox, let’s make sure you continue to do so. Has your email address or location changed? Email comments@pathologyoutlines.com with the following information:

  • New email address
  • Old email address to be unsubscribed
  • Country of residence

If you’re not subscribed to our e-newsletters, visit pathologyoutlines.com/subscribe.html to sign up.

All pathologists, as well as pathology residents and fellows:

Are you a part of our Worldwide Directory of Pathologists? If not, would you like to be? Make any changes to your existing directory profile at pathologyoutlines.com/directorychange.html or sign up for the directory at pathologyoutlines.com/directorysignup.html

Current (or former) authors:

We want to make sure that you continue to receive communications from us regarding your past, present and future topics. Email authors@pathologyoutlines.com with your updated contact information or click the image above.

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