5 June 2020: Weekly Roundup #12

Here’s what’s new on PathologyOutlines.com this week:

1. What’s New at PathologyOutlines.com Weekly Videos

There’s now a “What’s New at PathologyOutlines.com segment on our YouTube channel. To check out the first video, click here.

2. Use of Images

We receive many questions about the use of images from our website. We own some images, some are contributed by others for our use and some are links to images owned by third parties. Images owned by us have URLs that begin with http://www.pathologyoutlines.com. We allow free use of a limited number of these images (10 or fewer) for strictly educational purposes, such as giving an educational talk, as long as you attribute the images as “courtesy of PathologyOutlines.com”. You may want to indicate the Chapter and Topic names where you found the image.

You must get our permission to use a greater number of images (11+), copy images to another website, publish the images in any fixed media or for any commercial use. For more information, see http://www.pathologyoutlines.com/copyrightinfo.html.

3. Roche Companion Diagnostic Library

Our new Roche companion diagnostic library features videos about PDL1 staining in triple negative breast cancer. The library will help you access important information developed for pathologists that may otherwise be difficult to find.

Visit http://www.pathologyoutlines.com/topic/libraryroche.html or click on the Libraries tag at the bottom of the header on the right side.

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