26 June 2024: Cancer Precursor Project – Characteristics Of Premalignant Precursors, Part 5a (Hematopathology)

Our cancer precursor project is intended to better understand how cancer arises by compiling a regularly updated spreadsheet of all distinct human cancers (now 1,229) and their precursors (now 171).

In parts 5a and 5b, we discuss precursors associated with hematologic malignancies (i.e., leukemias and lymphomas arising in the bone marrow and lymphoid tissues). We have identified only 6 precursor conditions out of 207 distinct diagnoses but because the cells of the precursors and the malignancies appear similar microscopically, some of these precursors (MGUSB cell monoclonal lymphocytosis) might be better considered as clinical precursors rather than morphologic precursors.

More text, images and links can be found at pathologyoutlines.com/dw/Cancerprecursorproject-characteristicsofpremalignantprecursorspart5ahematopathology.pdf.

Email any thoughts you have about this project to Nat@PathologyOutlines.com.

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